If you need to buy a Telegram account in Session Json Colombia format in any quantity, our shop will help. We sell reliable profiles with three days or more of dormancy. We register each of them ourselves on private proxies. The registration process is automated, so you can get as 5 pieces or more. All wholesale Telegram Columbia accounts are checked by technical moderators for performance and other things. You can use the profiles for spamming and invitations, as well as other purposes. Before buying, you can test a few pieces. To work, download the appropriate software. The risk of banning when ordering from us is zero. Disputable issues are solved with the manager.
How to open a purchased Session+Json account
You can buy Telegram Session Json Columbia accounts in different quantities from us. To open it you need a software. The order of actions is as follows:
- Download the archive that contains the profiles.
- In the archive there are files that will need to be used. There are two of them per account when working with this format.
- Upload the folder with Telegram Session Json format Columbia accounts to the section of the program you will use for recruiting or spamming.
- If there is an error in format search, we will help you. We will convert it to the required format. The service is paid and costs $15. Write to support.
Telegram accounts with timeout
In the shop you can buy Session Json Telegram Colombia accounts with a minimum of 3 days left. In the assortment are available and products with a period of more than two weeks. This indicates that no one has used the profile after it was created, and it has not interacted with the messenger in any way. You can buy a Telegram Session Json Colombia account for any of your purposes. The layaway is a guarantee that one product goes into one hands. We do not resell already created profiles. In addition, they will not be banned at the first login due to violations of the registration procedure. We do everything by the rules. Use your account as you like and do not be afraid of automatic blocking!
Advice before buying
Before downloading Session Json Colombia, consider downloading the optimal software. It will need to be properly configured and combined with proxies. For testing, we advise you to take a few accts for a test.
Selecting the right software
If you need to buy a ready-made Columbia Telegram account, remember that there are now many programmes to realise your goals. TG Giant and Teleraptor are recognised as the most reliable. They are developed taking into account the wishes of beginners and are constantly improving. Regular changes are made, bugs and lags are fixed.
Sometimes users prefer to buy Columbia Telegram accounts in bulk to combine with self-written solutions. Few of them are reliable, and usually outdated bases and libraries are used. If through them you will not open the accounts, or you get a ban, we can not help. For this reason, we advise you to check them before making a deal.
Selecting the right proxies
To buy a Columbia Telegram account in bulk and then use it without bugs and bans, you will need to buy a proxy. Dynamic anonymous servers are best. Static unshared are not recommended, because then the account will go to the ban. Look carefully at this point. Take only private servers. Otherwise profiles will not work properly. Let's describe the types of proxies:
- resident;
- for information processing centres;
- transparent;
- reversed;
- anonymous;
- with a higher degree of anonymity;
- unshared;
- private;
- with rotation.
When choosing a server, focus on your goals and objectives. Before that, be sure to study the description of each type to make it easier to understand. We will not give specific recommendations. But we will note that it is better to take those proxies whose country coincides with the country of purchase. In this case, it is Colombia.
Also, do not use public proxies. They can be used by other people, which reduces the reliability and security of your work. It is best if the server is personally dedicated to you.
Our guarantees
We can buy autoreg Telegram Colombia in the amount you choose. Each account is tested and is suitable for promotion, spamming and other tasks. You can test them on your software to make sure they are safe and reliable. We register independently automated, profiles have not interacted with messenger in any way. One product - in one hand. On controversial issues help support specialists.
Note that each ac is covered by a half-hour warranty. During this time, check the performance. If there are any difficulties, we will replace the product or refund your money. Each of the profiles comes with two-factor authentication codes. Immediately after purchase, you can change it so that you don't give access to anyone.